International conference of philosophical studies
In recent years, meetings and philosophical studies have been held in Palermo with foreign scholars from Japan, Poland, Romania, Lebanon, Spain and Switzerland. On the 10th and 11th of November, the Sicilian capital will reaffirm this philosophical vocation with an international study conference on the theme: “Which philosophy at the beginning of the 21st century?”. After the meetings of 2019 (on Philosophy and science compared), of 2020 (on Interculturality and pluralism) and of 2021 (on Identity, difference, diversity), this year we will talk about the philosophy of the 21st century

SOS Mediterranee, “fiore all’occhiello d’Europa” traccia il bilancio di un anno
Alberto di Monaco è cittadino onorario di Palermo
In Dublin, a positive meeting with Ryanair for the president of Airgest Salvatore Ombra
XIX European Day of Jewish Culture
Il sindaco di Palermo Leoluca Orlando ha ricevuto a Dusseldorf il premio Heinrich-Heine
Commemorazione di Joe Petrosino
Eletto il presidente della Consulta delle Culture
Authority per il turismo
Palermo Airport is the first Sicilian airfield to get the new European certification
The treasures of the tsars in an exhibition in Palermo
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