Musikern aus Konstanz und aus Palermo zum gemeinsam spielen
Trägt den Titel „Leiting: Klaus Sell“ das Konzert, dass am Samstag, 5. Oktober, auf den Stufen des Teatro Massimo und am Sonntag, 6. Oktober, in der Music Box auf der Piazza Castelnuovo stattfand. Es trat die Musikschule Konstanz auf, bestehend aus 39 Musikern, die aus Konstanz zum ersten mal nach Italien ...
Twin Cities in sustainable partnership. Palermo create a bridge between Europe and Africa
Twin Cities in Sustainable Partnership. Palermo creates a bridge between Europe and Africa On February 17, the Municipality of Palermo and the metropolitan city of Sekondi-Takoradi (in the photo above) launch the "Twin Cities in Sustainable Parternship" initiative. It is an international ...
Imprenditoria giovanile e start up: Assegnato premio New Technology for Welfare Lab
Si è conclusa la fase di valutazione dei progetti partecipanti al contest NEW TECHNOLOGY FOR WELFARE LAB, concorso per gruppi di giovani di età compresa tra i 18 e i 35 anni, promosso da Caritas Diocesana, dall’Ufficio per la Pastorale Sociale e del Lavoro e dal Servizio di Pastorale Giovanile ...
Disability Care. Conference on Scientific Research, Technological Innovation and Health Sustainability Biological Regeneration and Medical Rehabilitation Early prevention, accurate diagnosis and appropriate therapies
Disability Care. A conference on the topic organized by IITM, Disability Pride Italy, Circle and NeuroSpine Community which has addressed many aspects. This is the program. Epidemiology, social and health impact and new LEAs for disability, clinical trials and practices, molecular regeneration, stem cells, ...