Gates of Eden – Glimpse of Eternity. The official video of Tregor Russo’s new release

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The official music video Glimpse At Eternity is now on line. Filmed in the monumental hystorical center of Palermo city, from 22 to 26 november 2024, the video was directed by Tregor Russo, which is also the author of music and lyrics.Screenplay and drone by Giuseppe CalabriaVideomaker; Josh RomanoExecutive ...

Young actors act to introduce old sicilian sayings. At Teatro dei Biscottari on 15th november

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The book on Sicilian idioms "In Sicilia diciamo così: will be presented on Friday 15 November at 6pm at the Piccolo Teatro dei Biscottari, in via dei Biscottari 27. Young actors of "Incontroteatro" will act to show many of the sayings which are impressive. “In Sicily they say this”, published by Nuova ...

Instituto congreso internacional “Vallejo Siempre”, en homenaje al poeta y escritor peruano César Vallejo. Cervantes

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El Instituto Cervantes de Palermo que dirige Juan Carlos Reche Cala acoge, del 11 al 13 de noviembre en la Iglesia de Sant'Eulalia dei Catalani (vía Argenteria, 19), la VI edición del congreso internacional “Vallejo Siempre”, en homenaje al poeta y escritor peruano César Vallejo.El evento, organizado por ...

Musikern aus Konstanz und aus Palermo zum gemeinsam spielen

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Trägt den Titel „Leiting: Klaus Sell“ das Konzert, dass am Samstag, 5. Oktober, auf den Stufen des Teatro Massimo und am Sonntag, 6. Oktober, in der Music Box auf der Piazza Castelnuovo stattfand. Es trat die Musikschule Konstanz auf, bestehend aus 39 Musikern, die aus Konstanz zum ersten mal nach Italien ...