Elected the president of the Consulta delle Culture
The Consulta delle Culture has elected President Ouattara Ibrahima Kobena, a native of the Ivory Coast. Vice President Ramani Thiyagarajah was elected from Sri Lanka.
The presidential office is also composed of Dasililla De Oliveira Pecorella (Brazil), Yogendranath Sahye (Mauritius), Vasile Bodoga (Romania), Nasir Ahmed (Bangladesh), Mohamed Laouar (Algeria).
Ouattara Ibrahima Kobena assumes the role previously held by Delfina Nunes and Adham Darawsha.
The elections of the Consulta delle Culture were held last June 24th.
The Mayor Leoluca Orlando said that “the start of the new Consulta delle Culture, a unique body of its kind in Italy that represents and best expresses the soul of Palermo, a city of dialogue and mutual enrichment among cultures.
Once again – continued the Mayor – in wishing good work to the new Bureau and to all the elected representatives of the Consulta, I thank the outgoing councilors, whose experience led the way for the affirmation of a city that recognizes and protects the rights of everyone and everyone and that recognizes and values all cultures and each culture “.
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