Commemorate anche a Palermo le vittime di Kemerovo
Sono state numerose le persone rimaste vittime e i feriti in seguito all’incendio avvenuto il 25 marzo in un centro commerciale nella città di Kemerovo, in Siberia il 28 marzo è stato proclamato giorno di lutto in tutta Federazione Russa. A Palermo, alle ore 18:30 davanti al Consolato ...
В связи с многочисленными жертвами и пострадавшими в результате пожара, произошедшего 25 марта 2018 г. в городе Кемерово, 28 марта 2018 года было объявлено днём траура в ...
The Ambassador of the Netherlands Joep Wijnands met the mayor Leoluca Orlando
The Ambassador of the Netherlands, Mr. Joep Wijnands was received by the mayor Leoluca Orlando at Villa Niscemi, the representative office of the Municipality of Palermo. The ambassador is in these days visiting Sicily with a delegation from the Netherlands. The purpose of the meeting was to confirm the attention ...
The Sicilian ports are now a network
It was signed today in Messina, by Antonino De Simone, Special Commissioner of the Port Authority of Messina, by Andrea Annunziata, president of the Port System Authority of the Eastern Sicilian Sea and by Pasqualino Monti, president of the Port Authority Authority of the sea of western Sicily, a ...