Opening “Festival delle Filosofie”

The third edition of the Philosophy Festival is underway. The Festival is organized by the Lympha Association and sponsored by the Municipality of Palermo, in collaboration with Dipartimento di Scienze Umanistiche dell'Università degli Studi di Palermo, Wish, BIAS, l'officina di Studi medievali, il Museo delle Spartenze. The 2020 edition of "Ecosophie", to be held in Palermo from 3 to 31 October, is entirely dedicated to environmental sustainability. The intentions are both the creation and development of an eco-environmental culture, and the enhancement of the usability of some symbolic places of the city where the events will take place: the Botanical Garden (in the picture above), Villa Filippina, Palazzo Steri.

There will be many lectures by national and international philosophers, experts and scholars, film screenings and book presentations. In addition, there will also be some remote events on an IT platform with connected speakers from France, Switzerland, Germany and Israel. The inauguration of the Festival will take place on Saturday 3 October at 10.30 at the Botanic Garden
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