In Palermo 18 foreign buyers for agri-food

The second edition of the incoming mission of foreign buyers for the agri-food sector, Food&Drinks Mission2Sicily 2023, will take place on Thursday 26 October. Organized by Sicindustria, partner of the Enterprise Europe Network, the European Commission network that deals with internationalisation, innovation and research, together with Unioncamere Sicilia and with the collaboration of the EEN partners and the Network’s Agrifood Sector Group, the event will continue until Saturday 28th. Over 250 B2B meetings have already been scheduled between the 18 buyers from France, Ireland, Sweden, Switzerland, Lithuania , Holland, Poland, United States, Vietnam and China and the 84 accredited Sicilian companies in the “food and beverage” sector. A packed program that will see Sicilian producers and foreign buyers engaged in workshops, tastings and company visits
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