The international short film festival from 17 to 22 October in Palermo

The international short film festival will be inaugurated on 17 October. Among the twenty-four short films competing from various parts of the world, there are also two made by Sicilian directors, namely “La fornace” by Daniele Ciprì and “Recomaterna” by Giuseppe Sangiorgi. It starts on Tuesday 17 October at 8.30 pm with the screening of the film “The Sleeper” by Woody Allen at the Rouge et Noir cinema. The rest of the shorts Season” by Giovanna Lopalco (France), “Sex Relish (a solo orgasm)” by Ananda Safo (France), “Courage” by Star Bazancir and Jasmina Pusök (Sweden), “Thousand Cypresses” by Luca Ferri (Italy), “Animals & Travel” by Giuliano Radici (Italy), “Jill, Uncredited” by Anthony Ing (UK), “Areté” by Elia Zaramella (Italy), “Detox” by Sebastiano Dimartino (Italy), “The Banishment” by Yilmaz Özdil (Turkey), “Hunting period” by Elodie Beaumont (Belgium), “Sphinx” by Hamid Yousefi (Iran), “Hotel Centaur” by Lino and Dimitris Kafidas (Greece), “Hajaroo” by Afshin Akhlaghi (Iran), “On/Off” by Jurg Slabbert (South Africa), “Nahid” by Samad Alizadeh (Iran), “A father” by Christophe Olivier Predari (Belgium), “Soft sign” by Victoria Uchitel (Israel), “Human” by Khachatur Vasilian (Ukraine)
While we recognize everyone’s right to express anything, we claim to express our opinion as well. It seems to us that unfortunately there are too much content that are absolutely devoid of both artistic and technical value, not to mention cultural value, if not even contrary to common sense and good taste. We hope that the jury will be able to give the right recognition and prizes.
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