Council for Peace. Francesco Lo Cascio is the new spokesman
Francesco Lo Cascio, President of MIR (International Movement for Reconciliation) is the new spokesman of the Council for Peace, Human Rights, Nonviolence and Disarmament. The Council was officially sworn in the Palazzo delle Aquile. There were present, among others, the Mayor Leoluca Orlando and the President of municipal Council Salvatore Orlando
Lo Cascio who is also spokesman for the Committee for Non-Violence, Peace, Human Rights, was elected by the 54 representatives who have regularly submitted the application for registration.
During his speech, Lo Cascio thanked all the associations and local councilors who are committed to that result. “In the coming days we will have to meet several urgent needs, the UN debate on the ban on nuclear weapons (on which the Mayor, says he is in favor of Italy’s commitment to support of nations in favor of the notice), in cooperation with the NGOs operating in the Mediterranean area, now the subject of unjustified attacks and misinformation guilty, the affirmation of human rights for all, from religious freedom to the protection of LGBT civil rights. ” The new spokesman of the Council for Peace has finally condemned the latest bombing in Syria, condemned the use of chemical weapons and the cynical involvement of children.
“I want to express my appreciation – said Orlando Mayor – for the start of the Consulta of Peace activities and express good job in his chosen spokesman. Today our city adds to the mosaic Palermo a new important and crucial piece of civilization confirming the cultural change and its ability to be a place of welcome, equality, integration and against any kind of violence and discrimination “.
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