
Un rumor de sangre. Poemas, canciones, conferencias y entrevistas de Federico García Lorca

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El Instituto Cervantes de Palermo organiza la gira teatral por Sicilia de este espectáculo que se llevará a cabo en las ciudades de Palermo, Messina y Catania. Un rumor de sangre, es un espectáculo de tradición oral, un híbrido de música y palabra de la mano de uno nuestros poetas universales Federico García ...

Task of Sicilian companies in Morocco. Investments with the support of banks and institutions. Incentives to joint ventures and possibility of exporting without paying duties. Meeting on Wednesday 4 December

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Sicilian companies and banks intend to build an "economic bridge" with Morocco to create joint ventures that operate in the fields of scientific research, which invest in traditional sectors with innovative technologies, which implement digitalisation processes and state programs for infrastructure development. The ...

Orlando meets MPs from the Netherlands

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Mayor Leoluca Orlando met a delegation from the Parliament of the Kingdom of the Netherlands which are now visiting Palermo, together with the Dutch ambassador to Italy, Joost Flamand. The delegation was led by national parliamentarian Jeroen Van Wijngaarden, head of the Justice and Security Commission delegation, ...

“Alma Habanera” exhibition of photo by Luciano del Castillo

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The photographic exhibition by Luciano del Castillo "Alma Habanera" was inaugurated in Palazzo Ziino. The exhibition, sponsored by the Cuban Embassy in Italy, the Municipality of Palermo and the Department of Cultures, is one of the events organized as part of the BAM - Mediterranean Archipelago Biennial entitled ...