Foreign students for the internationalization of Sicilian companies: the 2019 Summer Internship Camp starts

A start-up that connecting companies from the provinces of Palermo and Trapani with foreign universities, with a specific purpose: “Export Sicily, remaining in Sicily”.

These are the objectives of St Sicily,  and of the Internship camp, which starts the summer edition of 2019, now in its third season. The presentation meeting, on the theme “Promotion, development of the territory and internationalization of companies through the Internship Camp by STSicily: Kick off Day Internship Camp III Edition” is scheduled for Monday 6 May, from 9.00 am, in the multimedia classroom of the former slaughterhouse in Via del Mare in Balestrate.

Opening the institutional greetings of the municipal administration, represented by the mayor of Balestrate Vito Rizzo, the councilor for productive activities Salvatore Ferrara and the councilor for tourism Peppe Lombardo. Representing the University of Palermo, prof. Stefano de Cantis of the Faculty of Economics.

Will participate Massimo Plescia, engineer and president Aidp (Italian Association for Personnel Management) and administrator Sdi-Soluzioni d’Impresa, Marco Calì, MC2 Innovations administrator. The local associations will be represented by Rosaria Petruso, president of the Balestrate tourist association. Finally, Piero Tuzzo, director of business development STSicily group, associated with Confindustria, will present details, numbers and aims of the internship camp summer. Teachers and directors of Italian and foreign schools will also attend.

The journalist Salvatore Ferro will coordinate the discussion. English will be the language of the workshop as long as many students are from European countries, India and China.

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