A conference about the reconstruction of Aleppo, Syria was held in Palermo
The reconstruction of the city of Aleppo, Syria, was illustrated this morning at the council chamber of Palazzo delle Aquile. It is an international project that will revive the Syrian city destroyed by the war and that starts from a worldwide collection of funds, the Khan Trust for Culture, which aims to revitalize, restore and revive the developing nations. Last year the Aga Khan Foundation had launched a first project for the reconstruction of the sūq in Aleppo.
The conference was attended, among others, by Mayor Leoluca Orlando and Radwan Khawatmi, a successful Syrian entrepreneur for over 40 years in Italy, a board member of the Aga Khan Islamic Museum in Toronto, Canada, and engaged in the process of integrating foreigners into our country. In the picture, from the left Adam Darawsha, Radwan Khawatmi, Leoluca Orlando and Andrea Cusimano.
At the end of the conference Mayor Orlando conferred honorary citizenship of Palermo on Radwan Khawatmi.
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