Now It´s Magic and the Team – The comic strip in English, from Palermo to Los Angeles
“Now It’s Magic and the Team – the comic strip”, published last year, the Association, organizer of the initiative, “Le Magiche Stelle” presented at Palazzo Reale the English version of the comic, dedicated this year to the boys of the city of Pasadena in the United States of America.
“Now It’s Magic and the Team – The comic strip” is a work by Danilo Terrana, commissioner of the Municipal Police, former core stockpile of mayors, which in 2012 creates Now It’s Magic, a world that contains shows, superheroes and many fantastic characters.
The purpose of the “Now It’s Magic” events is to raise funds for charities and non-profit organizations such as “Save the Children”.
Fantastic characters, those of Now It’s Magic, whose stories come to life in the comic book, published in May 2018 with 10,000 free copies gived in many places as schools, the Falcone – Borsellino airport, the square of Termini Imerese on the occasion of the Gelato Festival and the G. Di Cristina Children’s Hospital.
The comic tells the story of five boys, inseparable friends who, thanks to the power of three magical stars, become superheroes intent on protecting the weakest and fighting the wicked.
“Now It’s Magic and the Team – the comic strip” has landed this year in Los Angeles.
Danilo Terrana has involved Silvia, a 13-year-old girl from Palermo, who has moved to the city of Pasadena in California for two years, also fascinated by the fantastic world of Now It’s Magic and her Team and with the great desire to help migrant children.
Everything is born by chance, when Danilo invited by the president of the Palermo Lions Club William II, to a convention and met the father of little Silvia to whom he proposed to insert his comic in a school project to which thelittle Silvia was working, so as to let the boys of Los Angeles know our beautiful Palermo.
Silvia’s project “Write your immigrant story, through which Silvia invites other boys and girls, immigrants like her in America, to write their stories, joins the comic strip of Danilo set in Palermo, a land that has always welcomed people different and people looking for a better future.
The combination of the comic strip and Silvia’s project allowed her to win the first prize in a competition organized by her school, the Flintridge Preparatory School, a cash prize that was donated by Silvia to “Save The Children Italy”.
The free copies have already been distributed within the Californian institute, others will be distributed in the city libraries of Pasadena.
The children of the Californian school donated through Silvia, ambassador of Now It’s Magic in Pasadena, a free contribution to the Save The Children non-profit organization in favor of immigrant children.
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