Mayor Leoluca Orlando met Niscemi Ozlem Tanrikulu
Mayor Leoluca Orlando met at Villa Niscemi Ozlem Tanrikulu – president of UIKI, the Information Office of Kurdistan in Italy, and representatives of the Palermo Solidarity Committee with the Kurdish People, the Network Kurdistan Italy, led by Giulio Franzitta, who organized a day dedicated to solidarity with the Kurdish people’s struggle for freedom.
The initiative took place on the occasion of the third anniversary of the conferral of honorary citizenship of the City of Palermo to Abdullah “APO” Ocalan. Palermo was the first city to confer honorary citizenship to the Kurdish leader in Europe, paving the way to many other municipalities including Naples, Reggio Emilia, Riace (RC), Palagonia (CT), Pinerolo (TO), Martano (LE) , Muggiò (MO) and the Molise cities of Campobasso, Catelbottaccio, Castel del Giudice.
“The liberation of the Kurdish leader – reads a note from the Committee – is an essential requirement for the resolution of the conflict that afflicts the Kurdish people for too many decades “.
“We express great satisfaction – conclude the representatives of the Committee – for the confirmation by the municipal administration of Palermo of the support to the resolution of the cause of the Kurdish people and its maximum representative Ocalan”.
“Today’s meeting – commented Mayor Leoluca Orlando – in fact confirms the attention and commitment of solidarity of the municipal administration for the cause of the Kurdish people. The next year – concludes the mayor of Palermo – we will organize a series of initiatives aimed at keeping the attention on the systematic violation of the Kurdish people’s human rights and to reaffirm our commitment in defense of the rights of the Kurds and of Ocalan, which I repeat my concern about his state of health as a political prisoner ”
At 4.30 pm at Montevergini Bene Comune, in via Montevergini, the public debate took place with Ozlem Tanrikulu on the revolution in Northern Syria and internationalist solidarity initiatives.
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