Emma Dante’s award in Edinburgh
Happiness and pride for Emma Dante winner of the Angel Herald Award for Mac Beth production at the Edinburgh International Festival. The prize is awarded by critics of The Herald daily, as “one of the most interesting and innovative shows seen in this seventies edition of the Festival.”
Ph. Franco Lannino/Studio Camera
Macbeth, welcomed in Palermo with ten minutes of applause, replicated his success at the Edinburgh Festival with a tribute of ovations. A new set-up of Shakespearean masterpiece, densely appealing to Sicily – from references to sacred processions to the fig trees representing Birnam forest – in co-production by Teatro Massimo with the Teatro Regio in Turin and the Sferisterio in Macerata. “We are very pleased with this prize to a great Sicilian artist to whom we are most congratulated, an acknowledgment that confirms the Teatro Massimo capable of high international challenges”, said Francesco Giambrone, Superintendent of Teatro Massimo, and Leoluca Orlando, mayor and president of the Foundation.
Gli agrumi siciliani in Cina per via aerea
L’ambasciatore degli Stati Uniti Lewis Eisenberg in questi giorni è a Palermo
L’attore e regista tedesco Wolf Gaudlitz cittadino onorario di Palermo
Integration: a course to improve the staff of the municipality
Presented the project for the reconstruction of the suq, the Omayyad mosque and the minaret
“Life Sciences and Biomedical Technologies” conference on the health of Mediterranean countries on October 5 and 6 in Palermo
The Mayor Leoluca Orlando met at the Palazzo delle Aquile the ambassador of the People’s Republic of China in Italy Li Ruiyu
Restored and inaugurated the small port of Sant’Erasmo
Palermo – eine Liebe fürs Leben
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