Mayor Orlando receives ambassador from Ghana, Mme Eudora Hilda Quartey Koranteng
This morning at the representative office of the Municipality of Palermo in Villa Niscemi, the mayor Leoluca Orlando received the ambassador in Italy of Ghana. SELF. Eudora Hilda Quartey Koranteng.
During the meeting, the fruitful collaboration between the Ghanaian and the Palermo communities on our territory as well as the Sicilian one in Ghana was highlighted, with particular reference to agri-food and catering branch as well.
“With the ambassador – commented the mayor Leoluca Orlando – the foundations were laid for the organization of a day of presentation of Ghana to Sicilian entrepreneurship and the possibility of making a scheduled flight from the capital Accra with a stopover at the airport Falcone Borsellino with subsequent destination to other European capitals. This visit confirms once again the internalization of the city of Palermo, considered a strategic place for cultural and economic exchanges “.
At the end of the visit, the ambassador signed the book of honor of the City of Palermo.
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