Restored and inaugurated the small port of Sant’Erasmo
The small port of Sant’Erasmo was reopened to the city after a redevelopment intervention, which removed it from deterioration. The work was considered a priority by Pasqualino Monti, president of the Port System Authority of the western Sicilian Sea. An important intervention for the entire south coast of the city, to enhance a historic area, but also to recover the relationship between the city and the sea, as well as, obviously, essential for the fishermen.
In fact in the early 1900s, tuna fishing flourished in the hamlet of Sant’Erasmo.
With the restoration of the marina, the amount of greenery and trees was increased tenfold, for an area that will be defined as a linear coastal park and will find in Sant Erasmo an important center. A new staircase, modified in position and size, now connects the Foro Italico promenade with the marina and its beach, and so barriers and fences have been abolished. An old building has been replaced by a low environmental impact pavilion designed to house a restaurant, a club house and a multipurpose space.
The Mayor Leoluca Orlando met at the Palazzo delle Aquile the ambassador of the People’s Republic of China in Italy Li Ruiyu
Presentata a Palazzo delle Aquile l’iniziativa “Stop al turismo sessuale”
Il sindaco Orlando incontra il comitato Palermo Solidale con il Popolo Curdo
Intervista all’ambasciatore dei Paesi Bassi Joep Wijnands
Trade agreements between Korea and Italy.
Internazionalizzazione delle attività produttive
Opere Prime, le Donne nel Cinema. Documentario di Arantxa Aguirre all’Istituto Cervantes
Tre Vietnamiti si laureano a Palermo
Mayor meets a group of representatives from Malta
Letteratura e luoghi comuni
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