Established the Committee for the International Competition for Ideas and Design of the “Palermo Tram System – Phase II”
The Selection Committee for the International Competition for Ideas and Design of the “Palermo Tram System – Phase II”, General Project and 1st Section Project was officially established.
The first public session of the Commission concerned the reading of the alphanumeric codes assigned by the telematic system to the various proposals received.
The settlement took place on Thursday 7 December in the Church of San Mattia al Noviziato dei the Crociferi. Were presente the Mayor, Leoluca Orlando, the Councilor for Urban Regeneration, Emilio Arcuri; the Rector of the University of Palermo, Fabrizio Micari; the presidents of the Palermitan Orders of Architects, Francesco Miceli, Engineers Vincenzo Di Dio and Chartered Accountants Fabrizio Escheri.
“What we are doing – Orlando said – is inside a choice of a vision of the city that wants in every way to combine mobility and innovation, we want to remain a Middle Eastern city in Europe but with the wifi and tram”.
“Another step forward – added Arcuri – confirming the irreversibility of the choices that the Administration has made on the subject of mobility “.
The competition, divided into two phases, was financed by Patto per il Sud (Pact for the South). Candidates with a degree and enrollment in the Professional Order of Architects or Engineers can participate.
In order to guarantee anonymity and uniform conditions of participation, the procedures of the competition and the connection between the Municipality (auctioneer body) and the competitors are carried out exclusively by electronic means through the website
The Commission of selection – unique in the first and second instance and composed of five full members and two alternate members – will select up to five better ideas.
The first five competitors classified in the competition will receive prizes totaling € 220,000. The winner of the competition will receive a prize of € 100,000; € 50,000 is the prize reserved for the second classified; € 30,000 per third. Each of the two subsequent competitors will receive a reimbursement of € 20,000. All prizes are gross of VAT and any other legal charge.
The Municipality will acquire ownership of the selected projects and ask the selected designers to draft a preliminary project.
From the competition among the five finalists, the winner will be chosen, who will receive the executive design contract and the direction of the public works.
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