Piano City. This week end Palermo as a wide stage
From 29th september to 1st october Palermo will be a wide stage, entertaining with many piano players performing all over the city.
Three days, 70 hours of music in 20 differente places, playing just piano.
From the historical sites to Mondello, to ouskirts like the Zen you can go around with a piano soundtrack.
From left: Andrea Cusumano, Leoluca Orlando, Francesco Giambrone, Oscar Pizzo at the press conference
The Festival is organized by Piano City Milano, Teatro Massimo and Comune di Palermo, in collaboration with Le Vie dei Tesori and the Conservatory of Music Vincenzo Bellini of Palermo, and with the support of Intesa Sanpaolo which is main partner. The artistic direction is curated by Ricciarda Belgiojoso, which from 2016 is the artistic director of Piano City Milano, and Oscar Pizzo, artistic director of the Teatro Massimo.
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