Aldo Palmeri’s book presented at the Sheraton in Catania

Aldo Palmeri’s book presented at the Sheraton in Catania, “La Sicilia è terra nostra, valorizziamola”, (Sicily is our land, let’s make the most of it). The presentation of the book, now in its seventh edition, took place during the Gran Galà of fashion, boutique Giusy Calabrò.

The book describes the nine Sicilian provinces and five hundred locations in the hospitality, catering, fashion and art sectors which, with their excellence, contribute to enhancing Sicily and the surrounding islands.

The spectacular event, started at 9.00 on the terraces of the majestic castle of Aci Castello with, exceptional model, Maria Grazia Licciardello of the Club Corone Oro Sicilia staff, who wore some particular items of the designer Maria Giovanna Costa, continued in the ample spaces of the spectacular Sheraton with the model Myriam Malandrino, also of the staff who, in addition to the designer Costa’s clothes, wore the enchanting jewelry of Agata Mannino and the bags of Mariella Grande.

Carola Sudano and other models presented the creations of the designers Almacescu and Di Stefano.

The public was enchanted not only by the beauty of the models and clothes worn, but also … by the magical scent that hung around them: the fragrances of the clear sea of ​​Lampedusa … issued by “O’Scià … water of Lipadusa”.

A river of champagne, delicious cakes and special sweets were the setting for the delivery of the “Corona Oro Sicilia 2019” to the aforementioned protagonists of a fairytale world.

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