Se il prezzo del petrolio tornasse a essere stabilito dai paesi produttori Le riflessioni controcorrente di Salvatore Carollo
Lo scollamento tra il mercato fisico del petrolio e quello finanziario è diventato molto evidente in questa fase di assestamento tra domanda e offerta. Sembra proprio che “il mercato petrolifero sia diventato soltanto un sottoinsieme di un più globale sistema finanziario”. Salvatore Carollo analizza ...
An ethical pact to safeguard jobs in industry 4.0 From Sicily the proposal of entrepreneurs and Catholic leaders of Italy
Does technology reduce the number of jobs or, on the contrary, with new needs will new jobs arise? Society, business world and industry are now facing new challenges. What kind of risk and opportunities in a 4.0 Revolution? A transformation that brings with it consequences, but not necessarily negative. Provided ...
Smarter Cities Challenge – First meeting between the municipal administration and an IBM team of experts
Smarter Cities Challenge program will be sending teams of company experts to five municipalities through 2018 to provide pro bono consultative advice on issues such as affordable housing, economic development, immigration, and public safety. The five recipients – Busan, Korea; Palermo, Italy; San Isidro, ...
Notte di Zucchero. “Sugar night” in Palermo
"Notte di Zucchero, the sugar night, was first an initiative that took place in the city, now it has become an initiative of the city. This is an initiative to remember not only the cultural, historical and artistic value of the celebration of the deceased but also the one related to the economic and commercial ...