Burmistrz Leoluca Orlando i Ambasador RP
Burmistrz Leoluca Orlando spotkał się dziś rano w Villa Niscemi z ambasadorem RP we Włoszech Anną Marią Anders.
Ambasador przyjechał do Palermo specjalnie po to, aby wręczyć burmistrzowi „DOBRE ZASŁUGI”, dyplom nadany mu przez Ministra Spraw Zagranicznych RP.
Amat and Moovit for a smart city transport
The Mayor Leoluca Orlando met at the Palazzo delle Aquile the ambassador of the People’s Republic of China in Italy Li Ruiyu
At Palazzo Mirto proof of the interest in Chinese art and culture
“Crime Prevention in a Mobile World’’
Street Food in Palermo
An international project without borders and barriers, in 14 countries, to tell the artists after the pandemic. September 16 in Palermo
The mayor Orlando receives the president of the Executive Council of Corsica
Teatro Massimo. Celebrations for 120 years
L’attore e regista tedesco Wolf Gaudlitz cittadino onorario di Palermo
Palermo ha il suo brand
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