Albert II Prince of Monaco is honorar citizen of Palermo
Albert II Prince of Monaco is honorar citizen of Palermo. Mayor Leoluca Orlando appointed him today, 3pm at Villa Niscemi, in Sala degli Specchi (mirrors hall).
Many consuls and stand-out figures of Palermo attended the ceremony. There was a gift exchange between the Mayor and Prince Albert.
Albert II (Albert Alexandre Louis Pierre Grimaldi; born 14 March 1958) is the reigning monarch of thePrincipality of Monaco and head of the princely house of Grimaldi. He is the son of Prince Ranier III and the American actress Grace Kelly.
Prince Albert married former Zimbabwean swimmer Charlene Wittstock on 1 July 2011. They had two twins, Gabriella and Jacques. Prince Albert also has two sons Jasmin Grace Grimaldi and Alexandre Costa.
Prince Albert II is one of the wealthiest royals in the world, with assets valued at more than 1 billion dollars.
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