културни врски помеѓу Палермо и Битола
The project of Magistro gets the Government’s of Malta approval. “I’m proud to enhance Sicily abroad”
In Palermo the Business Conference “Cyprus: an international hub since ancient times”
L’aereoporto di Palermo tra gli scali strategici
Il principe del Qatar in visita a Palermo
Relazioni tra Sicilia e Cina
Inaugurated “Largo Repubblica di Corea” in Palermo with the Ambassador Hee-seog Kwon. Many institutional meetings in the Sicilian capital
A Mazara del Vallo la cubbaita entra nel Guinness
Presented the project for the reconstruction of the suq, the Omayyad mosque and the minaret
Leoluca Orlando à La Sorbonne, conferénce su “Citoyens et Migrants”
30 billion euros for the corridor Brenner – Palermo
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