Kazakistan: un paese in crescita
Il fascino del ristorante Freeway 66
Dronitalia, a Palermo start-up with Turkish capital, will take care of the surveillance of infrastructures and geographical areas
Attività istituzionali
Blue Sea Land
Twin Cities in sustainable partnership. Palermo create a bridge between Europe and Africa
Compie 45 l’Università delle Palermo colombiana
New flights connecting Palermo and Moscow
Sommerfest in der Mendelssohn-Remise. Leoluca Orlando Festredner
Эолийское очарованье. Цепь гостиниц и ресторанов на Липари и лругих Эолийских островах вам предлогают изысканное питание и полный релакс
On June 22nd, debuts “Two Men, Two Civilizations” by Annamaria Waldmüller Volpi, directed by Mariano Bauduin, the story of Giovan Battista Sidotti, a Palermo priest martyred in Japan in 1715
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