Il Kazakistan raccontato da Natalino Geraci
A Palermo Delina Villiers-Steenkamp, Ministro plenipotenziario del Sudafrica
On Saturday 24th and Sunday 26th September European Heritage Days
Leoluca Orlando opent The Global Parliament of Mayors in Den-Haag. September 2016.
Miércoles de cine – Las locuras de Don Quijote
Trade between Palermo and Morocco
Il sistema portuale della Sicilia occidentale nel terzo millennio
De muziekvereniging A.C.A.M. Van Baucina
Start the international communication plan for Palermo, the capital of culture. Target: five million visitors
Amat and Moovit for a smart city transport
Great success in Montreal, Canada at the premiere of the film “Il Teorema della Felicità”
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