Was found the gem that adorned the buckle of the cloak of Frederick II. It will be exhibited at The Italian Colture Institute in New York

It staied in the safe for decades, but its brilliance never faded. The cabochon-cut quartz that adorned the fibula of the cloak with which Frederick II was placed in a red porphyry sarcophagus in 1251 in the Cathedral of Palermo returns to light and is ready to leave for New York. The gem has never been exhibited and will be among the treasures of the Constancia exhibition. "Women and power in Frederick II's Mediterranean Sicily", which opens on 7 March at the Italian Cultural Institute in New York, in the presence of the Italian ambassador to the United States, Mariangela Zappia and the director of the Fabio Finotti Institute. Produced entirely by the IIC - an organ of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (MAECI) to promote the image of Italy and its humanistic and scientific culture abroad - it will be inaugurated close to International Women's Day, given the crucial issue of the relationship between women and power.

The New York exhibition will be open to visitors at the IIC headquarters on Park Avenue until April 8.

Ph. by Igor Petyx
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