“Villa Niscemi”, a book about the Villa
A beautiful house, rich in frescoes and boiserie, with working fireplaces, beautiful and welcoming rooms, with stalls and pond and geese and numerous trees, exotic and indigenous.
A house, born as an agricultural baglio by the will of the Duke Tommaso Sanfilippo di Grotte, whose nephew entered the Valguarnera family who owned it living there until the 80s of the last century, when the last heirs sold it to the Municipality of Palermo which made Villa Niscemi the seat of representation of the City of Palermo.
A research work in the historical archives, also in the notarial historical archive as well, conducted by Massimiliano Marafon Pecoraro allowed to reconstruct the history of the Villa and also of the Valguarnera family, of which the genealogical tree was created too.
A work commissioned by the City of Palermo to the 40Due publishing house that, in addition to Massimiliano Marafon Pecoraro, sees the collaboration of Alberto Forte who has made the photos.
The book was presented this morning, obviously at Villa Niscemi, in the presence, among others, of the mayor MrLeoluca Orlando and of the author of the work.
“This volume celebrates an extraordinary villa with an extraordinary history – declared the mayor – that is inextricably intertwined with the history of a family and the city of Palermo.The municipal administration bought it in a period in which alongside the strong commitment to the contrast to the mafia was that to protect and enhance the beauty of our city “.
Villa Niscemi, as the mayor explained, will become a historic house museum, while Massimiliano Marafon Pecoraro told about the project to build a tourist-cultural itinerary including the most beautiful historical palermitan houses.
The program also includes an on-site exhibition on the villa with educational panels and students to guide in many languages.
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