Two meetings to talk about Europe on 5th July in Palermo
In the Sala Rostagno of Palazzo delle Aquile, from 10 to 12,30 am, the meeting promoted by the European Movement of Italy will be held, presided over by Pier Virgilio Dastoli, Professor of International Law at the University for Foreigners “Dante Alighieri of Reggio Calabria.
In the afternoon at the Chiostro della Chiesa Di Casa Professa, from 4:30 pm there will be the first of 3 meetings of a project of the European Commission, organized by the Palermo Europe Direct, represented by Simona Chines, aimed at the Transnational Dialogue between Sicily and Malta, also here with the participation of Dastoli.
In Europe there are many organizations that carry forward, in different ways, the idea of creating a real Federal Europe. In particular in Italy, apart from the political party “Più Europa” , there are two Movements, non-partisan, parallel and often working together. One of them is the European Movement Italy, (C.I.M.E. Italian Council of the European Movement), the other is the European Federalist Movement. The two Movements are promoters of the unity of a Federal and Democratic Europe, as written by Altiero Spinelli and Ernesto Rossi in the Ventotene Manifesto, in order to overcome national selfishness that risks destroying the cohesion of Europe, and for a stronger Europe.
In the afternoon at the Chiostro della Chiesa Di Casa Professa, from 4:30 pm there will be the first of 3 meetings of a project of the European Commission, organized by the Palermo Europe Direct, represented by Simona Chines, aimed at the Transnational Dialogue between Sicily and Malta, also here with the participation of Dastoli.
In Europe there are many organizations that carry forward, in different ways, the idea of creating a real Federal Europe. In particular in Italy, apart from the political party “Più Europa” , there are two Movements, non-partisan, parallel and often working together. One of them is the European Movement Italy, (C.I.M.E. Italian Council of the European Movement), the other is the European Federalist Movement. The two Movements are promoters of the unity of a Federal and Democratic Europe, as written by Altiero Spinelli and Ernesto Rossi in the Ventotene Manifesto, in order to overcome national selfishness that risks destroying the cohesion of Europe, and for a stronger Europe.
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