The mayor Orlando receives the president of the Executive Council of Corsica
The mayor of Palermo, Leoluca Orlando, received the president of the Executive Council of the Corsica Region, Gilles Simeoni, on an official visit to Sicily at the institutional headquarters of Palazzo delle Aquile.
“A very important meeting of the realities that are recognized in the Mediterranean ‘continent of water’ – declared the mayor Orlando – linked to an insularity that must not and does not want to become isolation and that have the need to live a profound cultural change for to capture the sign of the times An exchange of views of extraordinary interest on the race, Palermo and Sicily – continued Orlando – and the confirmation that in the Mediterranean dimension politics, administration and culture always find reasons to meet in the common sharing of respect for human rights and in the rejection of forms of selfishness and of any suffocating logic of belonging to closed groups, an experience like that of Palermo that the course president indicated as an example with which to compare and refer to in his region “.
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