The Mayor Leoluca Orlando met at the Palazzo delle Aquile the ambassador of the People’s Republic of China in Italy Li Ruiyu
The Mayor Leoluca Orlando met at the Palazzo delle Aquile the ambassador of the People’s Republic of China in Italy, His Excellency Mr. Li Ruiyu.
During the meeting the mayor and the representative of China in Italy spoke about the importance of strengthening bilateral relations between Palermo and Sicily on the one hand and China on the other. It is a fact that the Chinese community in our city has a strong presence now rooted in the territory, counting over one thousand and five hundred people, while there are over seven thousand in all of Sicily.
Then during the meeting the theme of strengthening cultural and economic cooperation was discussed.
At the end of the meeting the mayor accompanied the ambassador for a visit to the Teatro Massimo.
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Aperto il consolato Filippino a Palermo
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