The entrepreneur Reinhold Würth is honorary citizen of Palermo
The entrepreneur Reinhold Würth is honorary citizen of Palermo. The ceremony took place at the Santa Cecilia Theater, where, afterwards, there was a concert by the Würth Philharmoniker directed by Martin Panteleev with soloist on the violin, Jòzsef Lendvay playing music by Bach, Vivaldi, Paganini, a performance of the singer Etta Scollo interpreting some songs by Rosa Balistreri and a concert by Massimiliano and Pippo Pollina, respectively authors of lyrics and music.
Würth, born in Öhringen, Baden-Württemberg, has implemented his father’s tiny wholesale screw business, and today has a net worth estimated at 12.2 billion dollars. He is considered one of the most important private collectors, as well as being recognized as a generous patron.
Reinhold Würth made possible the restoration of the most extraordinary complex in the Mediterranean, a symbol of peaceful coexistence between different cultures: that Cappella Palatina which joined together artists and craftsmen from all over the Mare Nostrum. Ten years ago Reinhold Würth decided to finance the restoration of the Chapel, damaged by the earthquake in 2002. Eight hundred work days, a project of meticulous restoration that also allowed to study the mosaics, even the most distant and inaccessible. Since then, Reinhold Würth has remained attached to the city of Palermo, has proposed exhibitions of international level drawing on his personal collection; and has established a relationship that has produced commitment and attention for the culture of Palermo, particularly the Arab-Norman period, whiche has got the now recognition by UNESCO.
“In the year in which it was named Italian Capital of Culture whose candidacy the entrepreneur strongly supported – said Orlando – Palermo wanted to welcome Reinhold Würth among its citizens.This is a certificate that makes us proud because it enriches our city from a cultural and international point of view.This recognition to Reinhold Würth represents the synthesis of Palermo: the Central European world, the Arab-Norman cultural melting pot, the dialogue, the meeting and the mutual enrichment among peoples and cultures “
The motivation reads: “For the generous contribution to the protection of the material heritage of our territory, financing through the Würth Foundation the homonymous Group, the restoration of the Cappella Palatina and Palazzo dei Normanni, monuments of the” Arab-Norman Palermo ” the Cathedrals of Cefalù and Monreale “, later, in 2015, recognized by UNESCO as World Heritage. For the honor given to the City to host several prestigious exhibitions, from “The Würth Collection. Masterpieces of Impressionism and Expressionism “to ” Paths from Spitzweg to Baselitz. The Würth Collection “a” Max Ernst in the Würth Collection “a” The fantastic world of Picasso. The Würth Collection works guests ” to ” Christo and Jeanne-Claude. Works in the Würth Collection “. To have supported the candidacy of Palermo European Capital of Culture 2019, also demonstrating the willingness to be part of the International Committee in support of the candidacy. To be the symbol of an enlightened European business, able to combine art and business, creating a series of museums and exhibition spaces, through an extraordinary commitment to the dissemination of art and culture. The Mayor expressing esteem and admiration for the attention and the commitment in favor of the City and its historical – cultural heritage confers the Honorary Citizenship of the City of Palermo to the professor Reinhold Würth “.
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