The Conservatory of Palermo presents the 2018 program. A very rich one
With the 2018 program the Conservatory of Palermo prove itself to be a prestigious teaching and active cultural center, a veritable training and musical production workshop open to the city as well. The Conservatory, pays particular attention to its young talents and the enhancement of the presences that have made the history of music in Sicily and beyond . The inaugural concert, at the Teatro Massimo on March 4th at 6 pm, is one of the first significant events of the “Palermo, the Italian capital of culture” events. On the stage the Bellini Symphony Orchestra, directed by Carmelo Caruso, and the Choir of the Conservatory, Chorus master Fabio Ciulla, music by Brahms.
“In this year in which Palermo is the Italian capital of culture, the main theme of the Season, which opens in a European perspective with the neoclassicism of Brahms, will be the valorisation of Sicilian and Palermo musicians and composers”, explains director Gregorio Bertolino .
“In this year in which Palermo is the Italian capital of culture, the main theme of the Season, which opens in a European perspective with the neoclassicism of Brahms, will be the valorisation of Sicilian and Palermo musicians and composers”, explains director Gregorio Bertolino .
Gregorio Bertolino
Gandolfo Librizzi
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პალერმოს თბილისსა და დამეგობრებული ქალაქების
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