The Ambassador of Italy in Japan Starace in Palermo to promote “Made in Sicily”
The producers of the Made in Italy and Made in Sicily food and beverage excellences and the Institutions meet the Italian Ambassador in Japan Giorgio Starace Tuesday, July 17 at Villa Niscemi.
The promoter of the initiative, sponsored by the City of Palermo, is Mario Stancampiano, who invited Ambassador Giorgio Starace. Stancampiano is coordinator of the Consortium “Italy on the Table”, which counts a dozen companies from all over Italy.
Among the guests of Mario Stancampiano and Consorzium “Italy on the Table” there will also be Junya Honda, business development senior General manager of Monte Bussan. Prestigious Japanese importing company specializing in Made in Italy food and beverage, Monte Bussan belongs to the Suntory Group, an important Japanese multinational corporation operating in brewing and distilling. Established in 1899, it is one of the oldest companies in the distribution of alcoholic beverages as well.
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