Students from Tunisia and Palestine this morning visiting Palazzo delle Aquile
The Mayor of Palermo, Mr. Leoluca Orlando and the Councilor for Youth Policies and International Relations, Paolo Petralia Camassa, met this morning at Palazzo delle Aquile, a delegation of students from Tunisia and Palestine, engaged in a double degree course between their university of origin and the University of Palermo, where they study international relations, migration and human rights.
To accompany them, Professor Serena Marcenò, delegate of the Rector for Internationalization.
"A meeting - underlined the mayor - which confirms the capacity for dialogue and the building of international institutional relations in the city, also in a high-level academic context. Meeting and dialogue that contribute significantly to the growth and cultural enrichment of our students and, more generally, the world of culture ".
"The great fortune of Palermo - declared Councilor Petralia Camassa - is not only that of being a hospitable city, but also of being a city that gives the opportunity to grow culturally and this, for students who do not live our territory daily , is perceived and perceivable. The boys themselves confirmed the feeling of being in an open, hospitable city that makes you feel at home. The prospect of the international growth of Palermo is confirmed, going on with the international growth of the University. "
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