Students and teachers of the University of Lynchburg, Virginia, met Mayor Orlando
Mayor Leoluca Orlando met, at Villa Niscemi, a group of students and teachers of Political sciences of the University of Lynchburg, Virginia, during these days visiting Palermo. “Now – Orlando said – the internationalization of our city is an unstoppable process and the visit of this university delegation of Virginia is a further confirmation”
“I reiterated to them – added Orlando – the unequivocal concept that Palermo as the capital of the mafia has proudly become the capital of culture with a vision of deep innovation and welcoming”.
Il sindaco di Palermo Leoluca Orlando ha ricevuto a Dusseldorf il premio Heinrich-Heine
Palermo airport, in the period of Christmas expected 290 thousand passengers
Wolf Gaudlitz is honorary citizen of Palermo
Come la betulla è arrivata in Sicilia
At Palazzo Mirto proof of the interest in Chinese art and culture
Palermo for the export of sicilian products in Japan
Il Vescovo capo della Chiesa Evangelica Tedesca, Bishop Heinrich Bedford-Strohm è oggi a Palermo
Wael Shawky’s art installation at the reopened church of SS Euno and Giuliano
Intervista all’Ambasciatore della Costa D’Avorio Janine Tagliante Saracino.
CASTELBUONO “città della fotografia” XIX edizione del Concorso Nazionale di Fotografia
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