Popular science: a revolutionary research project in the field of neuroscience
It started this morning in Palermo “Esperienza inSegna 2018”, the event of popular science organized by Palermoscienza, with the extraordinary participation of Human Brain Project (HBP), .
With 118 Partners, 19 Countries involved, 12 Under projects, 6 Scientific platforms (Neuroinformatics, Brain Simulation, High
Performance Computing, Medical Informatics, Neuromorphic and Neurorobotics), Human Brain Project, coordinated by the Polytechnic of Lausanne is one of the largest research projects ever made. The project aims to realize a model of the functioning of the whole human brain, which can lead to new approaches to understanding
and the treatment of brain diseases such as alzheimer, schizophrenia, epilepsy, autism or treatments against aging. In 2013 it was selected by the European Commission as a symbol of research and development of the European Union, together with
Grafene project. “Human Brain Project is an important global reference for research in the field of neuroscience, and we are particularly
proud that one of the very few Italian research groups is right here in Palermo, at the CNR Institute of Biophysics. –
declares the prof. Michele Migliore, project manager in Palermo – In these days we are present at “Esperienza inSegna” to inntroduce the project to the city and to the students of the schools in town: they represent the future that Human Brain Project will help change”. HBP will be present at “Esperienza inSegna” until 25 February, in Building 19 (Polydidattico) in Viale delle Scienze in Palermo, in
near classrooms 11 and 12. Every hour, in Room 11, there will be short introductory lectures on the work of the Palermo group in Human Brain Project: demonstrations on the functioning of the brain, in particular the hippocampus and the bulb olfactory. On 27th february at 9.30 am there will be an interactive conference for the schools (previous booking) “Human Brain Project: last frontier. The conscience between science and philosophy “; with Michele Migliore and Marcello Briguglia

In tthe same occasion will be introduced MiRo, the “robot that thinks like an animal” as well. The robot is controlled by a software built on the model of the biological brain, and it is sensitive to touch, light, movement and it is able to interact with people and the surrounding environment. MiRo is developed by the University of Sheffield with the support of Human Brain Project.
Performance Computing, Medical Informatics, Neuromorphic and Neurorobotics), Human Brain Project, coordinated by the Polytechnic of Lausanne is one of the largest research projects ever made. The project aims to realize a model of the functioning of the whole human brain, which can lead to new approaches to understanding
and the treatment of brain diseases such as alzheimer, schizophrenia, epilepsy, autism or treatments against aging. In 2013 it was selected by the European Commission as a symbol of research and development of the European Union, together with
Grafene project. “Human Brain Project is an important global reference for research in the field of neuroscience, and we are particularly
proud that one of the very few Italian research groups is right here in Palermo, at the CNR Institute of Biophysics. –
declares the prof. Michele Migliore, project manager in Palermo – In these days we are present at “Esperienza inSegna” to inntroduce the project to the city and to the students of the schools in town: they represent the future that Human Brain Project will help change”. HBP will be present at “Esperienza inSegna” until 25 February, in Building 19 (Polydidattico) in Viale delle Scienze in Palermo, in
near classrooms 11 and 12. Every hour, in Room 11, there will be short introductory lectures on the work of the Palermo group in Human Brain Project: demonstrations on the functioning of the brain, in particular the hippocampus and the bulb olfactory. On 27th february at 9.30 am there will be an interactive conference for the schools (previous booking) “Human Brain Project: last frontier. The conscience between science and philosophy “; with Michele Migliore and Marcello Briguglia

In tthe same occasion will be introduced MiRo, the “robot that thinks like an animal” as well. The robot is controlled by a software built on the model of the biological brain, and it is sensitive to touch, light, movement and it is able to interact with people and the surrounding environment. MiRo is developed by the University of Sheffield with the support of Human Brain Project.
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културни врски помеѓу Палермо и Битола
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