Peace Run arrives in Palermo
Peace Run arrives in Palermo with a series of social, cultural, interreligious and sports events dedicated to peace.
The Peace Run, the “race for peace”, a non-competitive sporting event that involves more than 100 nations each year, arrives in Palermo with Sri Chinmoy’s “Paintings for World Peace and Harmony” exhibition.
There will be around 250 original works that will be exhibited at Palazzo Sant’Elia, to which will be added numerous secondary offices as a widespread exhibition for the city.
The week of peace, scheduled from 8 to 16 November, will be inaugurated by Mayor Leoluca Orlando on 8 November at 10:00.
The details of the events, organized by Peace Run with the collaboration of the Municipality of Palermo, the University of Palermo and in partnership with the Academy of Fine Arts will be presented to the press on Monday 4 November at 11 am in Palazzo delle Aquile, present among the others, the Councilor for Cultures, Adham Darawsha, Gianluca Corradini and the operational coordinator of the activities in Palermo Sandro Zincarini.
In the photo above Sri Chinmoy
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