“Palermo Mediterranea” entrepreneurs professionals together in a business community
Palermo Mediterranea ”, is a a business community that brings together entrepreneurs, experts and professionals for Palermo. This community' s goals are development and innovation to make possible a new territorial ecosystems. The project is to turn PA in a hub for digital innovation by making the most of the city's main characteristic: being a seaside city. Last year, together with Energia Media and the Municipality of Palermo, the community organized the first Digital Business Week which was attended by 250 people from the business, utilities and innovation sectors. Next September there will be the second edition even more linked to the Mediterranean. www.palermomediterranea.it
Rome International Career Festival dedicato ai giovani
Palerme à Paris.
Il fascino del ristorante Freeway 66
Nederlandse kunstenaar in Palermo
Manifesta 12 Palermo announces the list of 5x5x5 projects
Walesa cittadino onorario di Palermo
Intervista all’Ambasciatore della Costa D’Avorio Janine Tagliante Saracino.
Costruire la democrazia
Palermo “worth the trip” – Presented the Green Guide that assigns the three Michelin stars to the city of Palermo
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