Palermo Italian Capital of Culture will finance the professional training of young Palermitans abroad
Palermo Capitale Italiana della Cultura will use a substantial part of the million euro assigned by the Ministry of Cultural Heritage, for the professional training of young Palermitans working abroad. An additional help for those who do not have the opportunity to attend university and therefore benefit from international exchanges such as ERASMUS. This was announced by the mayor of Palermo Leoluca Orlando speaking at the conference “Erasmus: a passport for integration and university education” organized by Ersu Palermo at the “Hotel de France”. “We want to help the son of a worker to train himself – explains Orlando -, to buy higher levels of professionalism and return to work in his land. Help a boy who could not go to university, allow him to follow an internship at the Paris Opera and see him return after three months no longer as an electrician like his father who maybe works illegally, but as a light designer. Our young people have the right to gain professionalism and we have the duty to give them the opportunity to”.
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