Opening Palermo the Italian Capital of Culture
A ceremony took place this morning at the Teatro Massimo in the presence of the Prime Minister Paolo Gentiloni, the Minister of Cultural Heritage Dario Franceschini and the President of the Sicilian Region Nello Musumeci.
On the stage of the Teatro Massimo, one of the symbols of the city’s rebirth, the Boys’ Choir and the multi-ethnic Arcobaleno (rainbow) choir have opened with the Mameli anthem the “party” of Palermo immediately after the mayor Leoluca Orlando presented the project of Palermo Capital of Culture which was illustrated by the Culture Councilor Andrea Cusumano. The communication project – drafted by Gomez & Mortisia, the advertising agency that won the tender – and the new logo was presented: a Palermo student from the Academy of Fine Arts, Sabrina Ciprì, 22 , which has contained in a single symbol, the P declined from the Arabic, from the Hebrew, from the Phoenician, from the Greek, to underline the languages of the person who laid the foundations of the city.
Mayor Orlando meets representatives of OSCE participating countries
From 18 to 22 September, Animaphix, an international film festival dedicated to author’s animated films in Bagheria
Il sindaco Leoluca Orlando ha incontrato il nuovo console del Marocco Abderrhaman Fyad
Start relations between Ghana and Sicily
Consulta delle culture
La blue economy del Distretto alla rassegna TechItaly 2016 a Bruxelles
The treasures of the tsars in an exhibition in Palermo
Leoluca Orlando at the Global Parliament of the Mayors
Палермо и Москва соединены прямыми рейсами авиакомпании
La grande tradizione della pasticceria monastica palermitana
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