The gift given to children by the deceased is a way to continue the sense of familiarity, but also a way to let death be accepted as a moment of life. Sugar night recalls the pumice of sugar and martoran fruit and is a way to joyfully live with deep respect for our roots a holiday that is of our own. Palermo welcomes Halloween but does not forget the celebration-party of the dead. ”
This statement, which Mayor Leoluca Orlando said referring to the Palermo typical celabration, gives the full meaning and helps to understand the sense and the atmosphere you can live in the first day of November.
Palazzo Bonocore
From 10am to 11am: three narration workshops in succession narrated by actors and reading fairy tales.
From 11 am to 12 pm: a workshop by Maurizio Forestieri and a projection of the cartoon trailer dedicated to Frederick II of Swabia.Palazzo delle Aquile
From 10am to 1pm: atrium of the City Hall the make-up and wig salon by the New Sem school and Pino Ciacia. The coiffeur master will make “haughty” hairstyles transforming children into small “cats”.
From 10am to 13pm: Sala dei Lapidi, the theatrical workshop of the antimafia pupa of Angelo Sicilia.
From 10am to 13pm: IAula Rostagno the “Pumpkin Sugar” workshop, curated by Dora La Duca and Rosciglione Pastry Master. The kids, with their hands in the pasta, will make small pups of sugar to paint.
Piazza Pretoria
Performances of dance, singing and acting of the Lapa Theater of Datirammu
Teatro Bellini
11 pm: The Baby Planner Lab, which will teach children how to do “nicareddi cuppiteddi” by de la matassa
From 12.00 to 13.00: Lab Lab, a lab on the language of signs taught to children.
Antiaereo Bunker under Pretoria Square / Tent at Piazza Bellini
Hours 10: Baby Planner Laboratory on “Sugar and Salt Stories” by The Garden of Ideas.
12pm: Baby Planner Laboratory on “A sweet, sweet party” by Omnia Culture.
Piazza Bellini
Performances of dance, singing and acting of the Lapa Theater of Datirammu
1 NOVEMBER 4 pm to 7 pm
Palazzo Bonocore
From 4 pm to 5 pm: Three narration workshops in succession narrated by actors and reading of children’s fairy tales.
From 5 pm to 6 pm: Laboratory curated by Maurizio Forestieri and projection of the cartoon trailer dedicated to Federico II of Swabia.
Palazzo delle Aquile
From 4 pm to 7 pm: Atrium of the City Hall the make-up and wig salon by the New Sem and Pino Ciacia schools. The coiffeur master will make “haughty” hairstyles transforming children into small “cats”.
From 4 pm to 7 pm: Sala delle Lapidi, the theatrical laboratory of the anti-mafia pupa of Angelo Sicilia.
From 5 pm to 6 pm: In the Rostagno room, the “Sugar Puppies” workshop, curated by Dora La Duca and Rosciglione Pastry Master. The kids, with their hands in the pasta, will make small pups of sugar to paint.
Piazza Pretoria
The Lapa performances of the Ditirammu Theater and the Band at Ciance
Teatro Bellini
From 4 pm to 5 pm: Entertainment by The Italian Performer LIS on the music of the Walt Disney cartoons.
From 6 pm to 7 pm: Popular Pop Music Workshop by Popolarti.
Antiaereo Bunker under Piazza Pretoria Square
From 4 pm to 7 pm: Teatro Sensi Theater Workshop entitled “Scurò” by Giuseppe Privinzano Babel Crew
Tent at Piazza Bellini
4 pm: Baby Planner Laboratory on “Once upon a Time” curated by Omnia Culture
5 pm: Baby Planner Workshop on “Sweet notes, sugar sounds” curated by Il Giardino delle Idee
6 pm: Baby Planner Laboratory on “Pupiddi e strummule” by La Matassa
Piazza Bellini
Performance of the Lapa Theater of Ditirammu and the Band at Ciance
Church of St. Catherine
4 pm to 7 pm: Orchestra and Infantile Quattrocanti choir for a classical music concert
Piazza Pretoria , near Palazzo Bonocore
From 7 pm to 8 pm: Dances of the Gattopardo performed by the group “Harmonia Suave”
Palazzo Bonocore
Visual projection on the front of Palazzo Bonocore by Mapi Rizzo
Palazzo Bonocore
From 8 pm to 11 pm: Four monologues will be recited in the four rooms of Palazzo Bonocore. From “Now” by Fabio Ceraulo, played by Laura Geraci, to the dancer monologue “Lu” by the performer Giovanna Velardi, from “The fact is” Rosario Palazzolo interpreted by Ludovico Caldarera to the monologue “Ragnorok” by Francesco Randazzo played by Giovanni Carta.
Palazzo delle Aquile
From 8 pm to 11 pm: At Palazzo delle Aquile will be on stage monologues of the author. In the Garibaldi Room “My Mother Is Resurrected” by Fulvio Abbate played by Luca Carbone; in the “Picciliddra stiddra” chapel by Francesco Randazzo interpreted by Sebastiana Erìu; in the Yellow Room “Is Never Too Early” by Roberto Alajmo played by Roberta Azzarone; in the Room of the Tombs “Amsterdam blog” by Davide Enia interpreted by Luigi Rausa; and finally in Rostagno Room “The Wandering Ghosts” by Evelina Santangelo played by Roberto Burgio.
Piazza Pretoria
From 8 pm to 11 pm: Around the fountain, performance “Spoon River Ironies” by Giampiero Finocchiaro, Sandro Dieli and his students.
From 8 pm to 11 pm: The incursions of Bandat Ciance and Circ’Oipificio.
11 pm: Skeggia dancing incursions with group dances by PopolArti.
Teatro Bellini
From 8 pm to 11 pm: Raffaella Mattioli dance performance, Ricchezza Falcone and the TL8 group entitled “Goodnight to butterflies”.
Antiaereo Bunker under Piazza Pretoria
From 20 to 23: Under the Palazzo delle Aquile, the Teatro dei Sensi, an adult sensational trail entitled “Scurò” by Giuseppe Provinzano and Babel crew.
Piazza Bellini
From 8 pm to 11 pm: Performance of the Band at Ciance and Circ’Oipificio.
Monastery of Santa Caterina
From 8 pm to11 pm: In the monastery of the church, the “Parlatorio” will be screened, five confessions of works by some actors: “U pupu muzzicatu” by Lina Maria Ugolini, played by Valentina Barresi; “Butterfly Reflection” by Arturo Belluardo, played by Giuditta Perriera; “La Santuzza” by Cetta Brancato, played by Viviana Lombardo; “Iddra The King and God” by Alessandra Pizzullo and interpreted by her; and finally “Confessions of a Fault” by Rosanna Giglio, played by Emanuela Trovato.

2 NOVEMBER 10 am to 1 pm
Palazzo Bonocore
From 9 am to 10 am: Institutional greeting of the youth policy counselor Giovanna Marano School and exhibition on the works of the schoolchildren.
Palazzo delle Aquile
From 10am to 12am: in the atrium of the city palace the Puppet Teatrino Antimafia of Angelo Sicilia and a dance workshop by PopolArti.
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