Michelangelo Pistoletto honorary citizen of Palermo
Michelangelo Pistoletto is now a citizen of Palermo. The artist Biella born has in fact received honorary citizenship from the mayor Leoluca Orlando who stressed that “Pistoletto has succeeded in synthesizing in a unique, extraordinary work of art, the cohesion and syncretism of different peoples that overlook a single sea, symbol of union and brotherhood “. The reference is to “Love Difference”, the mirror table that the artist has entrusted to Palermo Italian Capital of Culture.
“I already felt a citizen of Palermo – says Pistoletto – is the city where he never feels like foreigners. For me, the mirror represents “L’infinito presente“, “The infinite present”, which does not have its own identity but reflects who is approaching. Today we need to think of art not as an individual act, but as something that is done together “. The commissioner Andrea Cusumano indicated the table of Michelangelo Pistoletto as an example of the syncretism that made Palermo win the title of Italian Capital of Culture.
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