Mayor Orlando receives Kurdish delegation at Palazzo delle Aquile
Mayor Leoluca Orlando received at the Palazzo delle Aquile the Representative for Europe of the HDP (People’s Democratic Party ), Eyup Doru, and a delegation composed by Vincenzo Miliucci, representative of the Kurdistan Italy Network, Venere Anzaldi, representative of “Women with the Kurdish People “, Renato Franzitta COBAS Confederation coordinator of Palermo, Giulio Franzitta and Nando Grassi representatives of the Palermo Committee in solidarity with the Kurdish People.
During the meeting the mayor Leoluca Orlando confirmed the “solidarity of the municipal administration to the Kurdish people”, expressing also “strong concern for the health conditions of President Ocalan and for its isolation that for months causes a total absence of news about him”. “The city administration – continues Orlando – in the coming days will involve a series of initiatives to draw international attention to the serious situation of the Kurdish people, made even more dramatic by a real torture to President Ocalan”.
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