Mayor Orlando met the Ambassador of UK in Italy
Mayor Leoluca Orlando received the British ambassador in Italy, Jill Morris, at Palazzo delle Aquile.
At the end of the meeting the ambassador met the press talking about relations with Palermo and Sicily also considering Brexit as well. She was in Palermo to meet the Sicilian British community and to start the celebrations for the Queen Elizabeth’s birthday in the city.
“We are grateful to the Ambassador – said Mayor Leoluca Orlando – for wanting to meet the entrepreneurial world of Palermo and Sicily, which, like many others, is closely following the events of Brexit that are generating some uncertainties. It was an opportunity to strengthen the relationships and indeed lay the foundations for new and profitable collaborations At the same time, this meeting gave us the opportunity to deal with the relations between our cpmmunity and the United Kingdom, historically linked by cultural and commercial relations. Thank again to the Embassy for choosing Palermo to start the celebrations in Italy of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth’s birthday, a moment that we know is particularly significant for all the British people and for all communities of British citizens in the world “.
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