Manifesta 12 Palermo announces the list of 5x5x5 projects
Manifesta 12 Palermo announces the list of 5x5x5 projects: there are 15 selected ones among the 188 projects received.
Multidisciplinary projects and workshops in collaboration with local realities, in synergy with the Universities – such as the Academy of Fine Arts of Brera, the Academy of Fine Arts and the Polytechnic School of Palermo, the Doha Institute for Graduate Studies of Qatar or the École Spéciale d’Architecture in Paris.
“The positive wave of Manifesta 12 goes on- say the mayor Mr Leoluca Orlando and the councilor Mr Andrea Cusumano – is extended in geographical terms, with events and initiatives that extend to the whole of Sicily and stretches in terms of number and quality of same manifestations. In confirmation of the fact that culture and art are and will be engines of vitality, sociality, economy and development beyond the geographical borders of Palermo and the calendar of the event “.
“The 5x5x5 program is a new section of Manifesta’s parallel events – emphasizes Hedwig Fijen, director of Manifesta – a model designed to offer an additional opportunity for connection between the local area and international experiences, especially designed to stimulate the younger generations of students, artists and professionals, we have selected 5 artists, 5 galleries, 5 educational institutions with projects able to stay and take root in the city “.
The promoters of the selected projects are geographically distributed: 13% from Sicily, 27% from Italy, 40% from Europe and 20% from other countries.
The projects of the 5x5x5 program are not part of the main biennial program, but are extensively associated with it and are promoted through the official biennial channels: the site, the guide, the social networks and the official app of Manifesta 12.
The criteria found in the selection are the following: collaboration with local long-term partners; realization of the project in the city of Palermo and / or in Sicily; realization of the project in the same period of the Manifesta 12 biennial (16 June 2018 – 4 November 2018); project quality in line with the Manifesta standards; implementation of the project in close collaboration with the local art scene or involving professionals, organizations and students; clarity of the financial resources necessary for its concrete implementation and its feasibility; belonging to one of the following sections: 5x artists in residence in public or private spaces of the city of Palermo, 5x temporary exhibitions of Italian and international galleries, 5x schools (academies, universities or other educational institutions) that will carry out courses and / or programs summer.
Collectif Corps Citoyen, El Aers – The Wedding Project (Tunisya)
Collective Intelligence, Il Traffico (Finlandia)
Didem Erk, I wish I could not be traced in the archives (Turkey)
Joe Highton and Victor Ruiz Colomer (Great Britain, Spain)
Marcello Maloberti, Circus Palermo (Italy)
Annet Gelink Gallery, tegenboschvanvreden and Martin van Zomeren, As far as hands can reach (The Netherlands)
Galleria Continua, Berlinde de Bruyckere (Italy, China, France, Cuba)
Exile, EXILE X Summer camp: ‚May the bridges I burn light the way‘ (Germany)
Galleria Franco Noero, The Beheading (Italiy)
Galleria Lia Rumma, Ceiba Garden Project_2017 (Italy)
Educational institutions
Accademia di Belle Arti di Brera, Accademia di Belle Arti di Palermo e Scuola Politecnica, The hidden City (Italy)
DOHA Institute for Graduate Studies, Practices of Unlearning: coloniality, Knowledge and Migration (Qatar)
MASS Alexandria, Sometimes I Think I Can See You (Egypt)
Royal Institute of Art di Stoccolma, Decolonizing Architecture advance course, The Heritage of Fascist Architecture (Sweden
École Spéciale d’Architecture di Parigi, Ingruttati Palermo (France)
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