International contest of ideas for Palermo
Presented at the Palazzo delle Aquile, the invitations of ideas and design contests for various works funded by the Patto per il Sud.
At the meeting with the journalists there were, among others, Mayor Leoluca Orlando, Councilor for Urban Reclamation, Emilio Arcuri and Urban Area Reconstruction and Infrastructure Heads, Mario Li Castri.
Also present are the Rector of the University of Palermo, Fabrizio Micari, the President of the Architects’ Association, Franco Miceli, the President of the Engineers’ Association, Giovanni Margiotta and the President of the Accountants association, Fabrizio Escheri.
The international competitions cover projects and works funded by the Patto per il Sud. Among them, the extension of the tram network, the greenway connecting Palermo and Monreale, the construction of two school poles in the south and north of the city. The project “Lights on art” for the sites of the UNESCO “Arab-Norman Palermo and Monreale”.
The procedures relating to all competitions will be anonymous, guaranteed through the computer platform of the Association of the Architects of Milan “”.
Candidates holding a Bachelor’s degree and enrollment in the Professional Association of Architects or Engineers may participate in the competitions.
Commissions – whose settlement should take place, in public session, early October, at the former Church of San Matteo ai Crociferi – will select up to five best ideas.
The five designers selected in this first phase – who will receive a cash prize proportional to the amount of intervention to be made, while the City of Palermo will acquire the ownership of the inherent projects – will be required to draw up a preliminary project.
From the competition among the five finalists, the winner will be chosen, who will receive the executive design contract and the direction of the work of the public work.
From the timing given by the municipality, the results of the competitions should be announced by the middle of February next year.
“This is one of the main design packages ever issued in Italy, with a highly technical and professional profile that offers the world of technical professions an extraordinary opportunity to highlight creativity, Competence and innovation. What are the winners of international banned competitions, there will certainly be the involvement of qualified local professional realities” said the Mayor of Palermo Leoluca Orlando.
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