Inaugurated on Sunday 8 October at 12.00 at Villa Niscemi, a playground created in memory of Gustavo Scirè
It was inaugurated on Sunday 8 October at 12.00 at Villa Niscemi, a playground created in memory of Gustavo Scirè.
At the ceremony were present Mayor Leoluca Orlando and members of the family of the actor, born in Palermo in 1935, who passed on 11 April 2016 at the age of 81.
Cerda, capitale del carciofo
Itinerarium Rosaliae, worship culture and nature
Il Club Corone Sicilia & Federazione Artisti Pasticceri Siciliani. Ristorante “Il Giullare” di Alcamo
Mostra su Anne Frank allo Steri
Settimana della cultura Tunisina
Alberto di Monaco è cittadino onorario di Palermo
Promozione e sviluppo del territorio e internazionalizzazione delle imprese per «esportare la Sicilia, restando in Sicilia».
L’Estonia apre un consolato a Palermo
Leoluca Orlando in Sweden, at the International Network of Cities for the Protection of Refugees
At Palazzo Comitini the European Conference “Mangio sicuro mangio meglio”
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