In Sicily is the first italian accessible tourism for disabled people.
Tactile maps, interactive podcasts, sign language videos, simplified language cards and special digital kits for children. The first Italian network of historic centers equipped with routes accessible to users with sensory and intellectual disabilities is in Sicily. Enna, Aidone and Piazza Armerina, which are more inclusive thanks to a project that has made it possible to create a series of routes specifically designed for blind people, visually impaired, deaf, hearing impaired and intellectually disabled people.
Siglato un accordo tra il Distretto della Pesca ed il Ghana
Andrian Yelemessov
Two meetings to talk about Europe on 5th July in Palermo
Palermo dedica un giardino a Solidarnosc
Palermo e la Corea del Sud
Scuola di canoa all’Arenella inaugurata alla presenza del campione Andrea Di Liberto
Cerda, capital city of the artichoke
Palermo e Mosca collegate da voli diretti con la compagnia Pobeda
The European conference of attorneys general will be held in Palermo
“Scienze della Vita e Tecnologie Biomediche” convegno sulla salute dei Paesi del Mediterraneo il 5 e 6 ottobre a Palermo
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