In Palermo, the Italian branch of MOBH in Dubai
President Bin Haider announced that he had chosen the City of Palermo to start up a company (MOBH Holding Group MED), part of the MOBH Group, and which is destinedgoing to be the Italian headquarters of the Corporation. The new company will be based in Palermo as well.
The MOBH group is already present in 22 countries with 60 different companies and about 4000 employees working in the building sectors, of the tourism, health, logistics, financial services and technology.
The Mayor expressed “appreciation for the attention paid to our city, increasingly attractive to the international level for tourists, experts and players in artistic and cultural activities and for international investors as well”.

President Mohammed Omar Omar Ali Bin Haider is Administrator Delegate Zahed Albattarni and the MOBH team
met the President of Gesap Prof. Tullio Giuffrè and the President of the Port Authority of Western Sicily Dr.
Pasqualino Monti, with whom possible partnership were outlined.
The President of the MOBH Group greeted the Mayor Orlando at Villa Niscemi, thanking in in particular Dr. Francesco Strafalaci and Dr. Nino Calogero of COSTA MED E.E.I.G. for the support given to his Group, giving the task of coordinating the visit to Dubai of a Palermo delegation to be carried out immediately after the summer season.
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Esperienza di arte e cibo in Sicilia
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